Saudi Arabie News

Meet Dr. Ryadh bin Mohammed Al-Khuraif: Deputy Chair of IMFC

Meet Ryadh bin Mohammed Alkhareif: The Newly Appointed Deputy Chair of the IMF Committee

Ryadh bin Mohammed Alkhareif has recently been named the deputy chair of the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the International Monetary Fund, a prestigious position appointed by Minister of Finance Mohammed Al-Jadaan.

Alkhareif’s journey at the IMF began in 2016 as an adviser to the executive director in Washington D.C. He then moved up to become the alternate executive director the following year. As a member of the executive board, Alkhareif plays a crucial role in the policy and decision-making processes of the IMF.

The executive board holds the responsibility of managing the IMF’s day-to-day operations, including the approval of lending operations, policy reviews, and the completion of the Article IV surveillance exercise with each member country.

With over 15 years of experience in the economic sector, Alkhareif has honed his expertise through his work at the IMF and the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (now Saudi Central Bank), where he kickstarted his career.

Before joining the IMF, Alkhareif served as the head of the studies division at the authority. Starting as an economic researcher in 2004, he progressed to become an economic specialist in 2013, ultimately landing the head of studies division role. In this capacity, he oversaw the operation of SAMA’s primary macroeconomic models.

Alkhareif is also a published author, with multiple papers in peer-reviewed journals and co-authorship of the book “Advances in Monetary Policy Design” alongside William Barnett, a renowned figure in the field of Divisia monetary indexes.

During his tenure, Alkhareif represented Saudi Arabia in the G20 Framework Working Group from 2016 to 2019, contributing significantly to the formulation of FWG priorities under Saudi Arabia’s G20 Presidency.

A member of various esteemed organizations including Harvard Business School’s Leadership in Financial Organizations, the Society for Economic Measurement in the US, and the Saudi Economic Association, Alkhareif has been recognized for his achievements. In 2014, he was awarded the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Economic Sciences Young Researcher Award.

Alkhareif holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and management from King Saud University (2004) and a double master’s degree in economics from the University of Oregon and the University of Kansas. He furthered his education with a PhD in economics from the University of Kansas in 2013.

His pursuit of excellence extends beyond academia, with Alkhareif undergoing extensive training at State Street Global Advisors, participating in the High Potentials Leadership Program and Leadership in Financial Organization Program at Harvard Business School, and engaging in other executive programs at MIT.