Saudi Arabie News

KSrelief’s Global Aid Projects: Making a Difference Worldwide

Saudi Charity KSrelief Provides Aid to Displaced Families in Sudan and Beyond

In a show of solidarity and support, Saudi charity KSrelief distributed 1,930 food parcels to displaced families in Sudan’s Blue Nile state. This generous initiative, part of KSrelief’s food-security support project in Sudan, reached 12,236 individuals in need, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). This effort is just one of many relief and humanitarian projects undertaken by Saudi Arabia through KSrelief to assist areas affected by conflict.

Moving on to Lebanon, KSrelief extended its helping hand by offering health care services to Syrian refugees and the host community in Arsal town, located in Baalbek Governorate. The Arsal Health Care Center saw a total of 3,422 patients and provided 6,128 services across various health sections, including clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, nursing, and community and mental health programs.

Meanwhile, in Yemen, KSrelief remains committed to its water supply and environmental sanitation projects in multiple districts. In February alone, KSrelief pumped an impressive 36,207,000 liters of usable water and 3,194,000 liters of potable water into Hajjah Governorate. The center also conducted 237 transportation operations to remove waste from displaced camps.

In Saada Governorate, KSrelief continued its efforts by pumping 290,000 liters of potable water and another 290,000 liters of usable water, directly benefiting 30,100 individuals in need. These ongoing initiatives demonstrate KSrelief’s unwavering dedication to providing essential aid and support to vulnerable populations in Sudan, Lebanon, and Yemen.