
Breaking News: Saudi Arabia’s Bold Promise to Protect Environment and Water Resources Revealed at WEF

Saudi Arabia’s Environmental Protection Plans Revealed

At the World Economic Forum in Riyadh, Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Abdulrahman Al-Fadley unveiled Saudi Arabia’s comprehensive plans for safeguarding its lands and environmental resources.

With a focus on preserving the environment and managing water resources, the Kingdom is incentivizing the private sector to take more responsibility towards environmental conservation.

Critical Action Needed

As 40 percent of lands worldwide face degradation, urgent action is required. The upcoming UN Convention to Combat Desertification COP16 in Riyadh this December will address these pressing issues.

Saudi Arabia’s Initiatives

Saudi Arabia has already preserved millions of hectares of land and implemented programs for cloud seeding and building more dams. These efforts are not only beneficial for the Kingdom but also for the entire region.

Global Consequences

Secretary of the UNCCD, Ibrahim Thiaw, warned of dire global repercussions if environmental protection is neglected. He highlighted the increase in droughts and emphasized the need for proactive measures to avoid emergencies.

Call for Action

Experts at the forum stressed the importance of prioritizing nature and land restoration efforts. They emphasized the need for a shift in the economic system towards sustainability and urged for transformative changes at COP16.