Saudi Arabie News

Spanish Foreign Minister Meets with Saudi Deputy FM

Saudi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Welcomes Spanish State Secretary

In a diplomatic rendezvous in Riyadh, Saudi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Waleed Elkhereiji warmly received Spanish State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs Diego Martinez Belio on Sunday.

The discussions between the two officials delved into the deepening of relations between Saudi Arabia and Spain, emphasizing on ways to fortify the bond between their nations. The agenda also included dialogues on regional and international matters of shared significance, as reported by the Foreign Ministry.

Adding to the diplomatic gathering, Spain’s Ambassador to the Kingdom, Jorge Hevia Sierra, graced the occasion with his presence.

In a parallel meeting, Elkhereiji engaged in talks with African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki, touching upon issues concerning the African continent and the collaborative efforts to address them.