Saudi Arabie News

Prevent Gaza War: Saudi FM Stresses Two-State Solution Commitment

Saudi Foreign Minister Stresses Need for Two-State Solution in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In a passionate speech at the World Economic Forum’s special meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan emphasized the crucial importance of a two-state solution to prevent future conflicts in Gaza.

Commitment to Long-Term Solution

Prince Faisal highlighted the need for a real commitment to a two-state solution, describing it as the only credible and irreversible path to a Palestinian state. He stressed that this approach is essential to avoid recurring crises in the region.

International Support and Action

The Saudi Foreign Minister called upon the international community, particularly countries with significant influence, and the UN Security Council to help implement the two-state solution. He emphasized the importance of translating words of support into concrete actions to achieve lasting peace.

Call for Resolution

Echoing Prince Faisal’s sentiments, Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister Ali Sabry reiterated the necessity of a two-state solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He warned that without this long-term solution, the cycle of violence would continue with even greater intensity.

Hope for the Future

Prince Faisal expressed optimism about the Kingdom’s efforts to promote a two-state solution and called on the international community to prioritize this goal. He emphasized the need to invest resources in making the Palestinian state a reality, ensuring security, stability, and rights for all involved parties.

Pushing for Change

Despite potential obstacles, Prince Faisal remained hopeful that concerted efforts from Saudi Arabia and its partners, including European allies, would lead to tangible progress in achieving a two-state solution. He urged the international community to act decisively to avoid further risks and uphold the rights of Palestinians.