Saudi Arabie News

Discover the Majestic Juniper Tree in Al-Baha – A Symbol of Beauty!

Majestic Juniper Trees Flourish in Al-Baha Region After Heavy Rains

In the picturesque Al-Baha region, the juniper tree proudly stands as a symbol of beauty, adorning slopes and mountain peaks with vibrant green hues. Nourished by recent heavy rains, these majestic trees have flourished into expansive forests eagerly awaiting the arrival of summer.

Representative of the National Center for Vegetation Development and Combating Desertification, Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Qudwa, revealed that juniper trees make up 30 percent of wild plants in Al-Baha. These coniferous trees can also be found in forested areas of Baljurashi, Beni Hassan, and Al-Mandaq governorates.

The National Center for Vegetation Development and Combating Desertification is dedicated to preserving forests year-round, with a focus on safeguarding juniper, Al-Atm, and talh populations. This aligns closely with the national action plan for forests in Saudi Vision 2030.

Security patrols stationed at forest sites swiftly intervene to address violations like unauthorized tree felling. Penalties can be imposed in accordance with regulations, ensuring accountability through investigations.

This year’s heavy rainfall has been beneficial for juniper trees, resulting in alluring fragrance, interwoven branches, and evergreen foliage. The trees play a vital role in safeguarding waterfalls, regulating rainwater runoff, and protecting against erosion.

Junipers are a central feature of natural forests in Al-Baha and a major attraction for tourists. More than 30 forests in the region have already welcomed visitors, with authorities preparing to offer a wide range of activities and services to uphold the region’s tourist status.