Saudi Arabie News

New Saudi-US ‘Protection Shield IV’ Drill – What You Need to Know!

DHAHRAN Showcases Strategic Cooperation in “Protection Shield 4” Exercise

In a powerful demonstration of partnership, the Eastern Region Command in Dhahran orchestrated the latest iteration of the joint Saudi-US exercise, “Protection Shield 4.”

Uniting Forces Against Potential Threats

Bringing together branches of the Saudi Armed Forces, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), and a consortium of civilian and military government entities, including the Ministry of Defense’s health services, the General Directorate of Civil Defense, the Ministry of Health, and the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, the drill aimed to strengthen preparedness against potential mass destruction threats.

Enhancing Operational Capabilities and Collaboration

Colonel Turki bin Salem Al-Sumairi, overseeing the participating mixed battalion, emphasized the dual purpose of the drill: enhancing the operational capabilities of all involved and fostering seamless collaboration between Saudi and US forces. Additionally, the drill aimed to raise awareness of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear risks.

Testing Response Plans and Coordination

Field exercises were at the core of the event, testing the effectiveness of national response plans in confronting scenarios involving weapons of mass destruction. Coordination and information exchange mechanisms were closely examined to ensure swift and effective joint responses.

Simulated Crisis Scenarios and Collaborative Drills

Simulated ammunition was utilized during the drills to replicate crisis scenarios resulting from the deployment of weapons of mass destruction. Health services units from various entities engaged in drills to enhance collaborative efforts and improve responses to chemical and biological incidents.