Saudi Arabie News

Saudi Arabia Condemns Attack on UNRWA HQ in Jerusalem – Shocking News!

Saudi Arabia Condemns Israeli Settler Attack on UNRWA Headquarters in Jerusalem

In a bold statement, Saudi Arabia has denounced the Israeli settler attack on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees headquarters in occupied Jerusalem. The Kingdom firmly holds the “Israeli occupation” accountable for the repeated crimes committed against innocent civilians and aid workers, as declared by the Saudi Foreign Ministry.

The Kingdom has called upon the international community to take decisive action in putting an end to Israel’s human rights violations. The statement emphasized the importance of holding the occupation responsible for its continuous breaches of international law.

Jordan Joins in Condemnation of Attack

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini revealed that a group of Israeli protesters carried out the attack on the agency’s headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem following calls for protests against UNRWA by an Israeli municipal official.

Jordan has also condemned the attack, labeling it as a “blatant defiance of international law” designed to safeguard UN facilities. The country has urged the international community to swiftly and effectively enforce international humanitarian law and compel Israel to prevent further assaults on relief workers who are vital in providing aid and services to Palestinians in the occupied territories.