Saudi Arabie News

Jeddah Governor’s Game-Changing Life Balance Initiative!

Riyadh Welcomes New Work-Family Balance Initiative

In a grand inauguration ceremony, Jeddah Gov. Prince Saud bin Abdullah bin Jalawi kickstarted the work-family balance initiative on Sunday in Riyadh. The initiative, organized by the Al-Mawaddah Association for Family Development, carries the empowering slogan “Balance Your Life.”

Among the esteemed guests present were Mohammed Al-Radi, the association’s general manager, and a number of dedicated members of the organization, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.

The primary goal of this campaign is to enlighten parents on the crucial significance of maintaining a work-family balance. It also seeks to foster collaboration and support among employers to cultivate family-friendly work environments.

Furthermore, the initiative seeks to acknowledge and honor employers across different industries who demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices that reflect their dedication to the betterment of families and society. This includes providing educational and welfare programs for both children and the elderly.

Additionally, the initiative will feature informative seminars to educate employees on the importance of work-family balance, as well as assist organizations in creating a work environment that is supportive of family life. This involves implementing policies and programs that facilitate a harmonious balance between work responsibilities and family commitments.

Expressing his thoughts on the initiative, Al-Radi stated, “This awareness initiative is one of the many social programs offered by the association to enhance the quality of family life.”