Saudi Arabie News

Discover Saudi Arabia’s Stunning Biodiversity Reserve!

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Natural Reserve Receives Prestigious Accreditation as Kingdom’s First Major Biodiversity Site

In a groundbreaking achievement, the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Natural Reserve in Saudi Arabia has been officially recognized as “the first major biodiversity site in the Kingdom.” This accreditation was granted by the organization Key Biodiversity Areas, following a rigorous evaluation based on international standards.

Key Biodiversity Areas confirmed the reserve’s accreditation on their website, highlighting that it meets three global standards, including the presence of endangered species, making it eligible for inclusion. The announcement comes on the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity, celebrated annually on May 22.

The King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Natural Reserve is managed by the Development Authority, which is dedicated to protecting endangered species, enhancing natural habitats, promoting environmental awareness, and mitigating threats to the area. Spanning a vast area of 130,700 square kilometers, it is recognized as the largest nature reserve in the Middle East.

KBA, the organization behind the accreditation, is committed to monitoring and conserving sites of significant biodiversity importance globally. Their recognition of the Saudi reserve underscores its crucial role in preserving biological diversity on a grand scale, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.