Saudi Arabie News

Arab Union Lauds Saudi Arabia’s Remarkable Support for Palestinians!

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union Applauds Saudi Arabia’s Support for Palestinian Cause

In a remarkable display of solidarity, the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union has commended the unwavering dedication of Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in championing the Palestinian cause. This accolade was reported by the Saudi Press Agency, following the conclusion of the 36th Arab Parliamentary Union Conference in Algiers.

Saudi Arabia at the Forefront of Regional Discussions

A high-level Saudi delegation, led by the chairman of the Shoura Council, Sheikh Abdullah Al Al-Sheikh, participated in the conference alongside distinguished heads of parliaments, councils, and various regional and international organizations. The conference served as a platform to deliberate on the evolving dynamics of the Palestinian issue and the prevailing conditions in the Arab region.

Pivotal Role in Promoting Peace and Stability

The final statement issued by the AIPU recognized Saudi Arabia’s pivotal role in hosting key summits with Arab, Islamic, and African nations to address the plight of the Palestinian people and combat aggression. Additionally, the statement underscored the significance of the Kingdom’s initiatives in Yemen, emphasizing the imperative of constructive dialogue for achieving lasting peace and a comprehensive political resolution.

Endorsement of Saudi Arabia’s Diplomatic Efforts

The conference endorsed the recommendations of the political committee, lauding Saudi Arabia’s unparalleled contributions, initiatives, and authentic Arab stances that have consistently aimed at fostering unity among Arab nations and amplifying their presence on the global stage. Moreover, the Kingdom’s facilitation of Sudanese talks in Jeddah was commended for its role in promoting a ceasefire agreement and restoring stability in Sudan while upholding its sovereignty and unity.