Saudi Arabie News

US & Australia Ambassadors Praise Saudi Women’s Remarkable Success

Riyadh Envoys Praise Saudi Women for Achievements

In a recent interview with Arab News, the US’ Deputy Chief of Mission Alison Dilworth and Australia’s Deputy Head of Mission Kim Ralston reflected on their experiences working alongside Saudi Arabia’s women and witnessing firsthand their perseverance.

Impressive Saudi Women Making Waves

“I have been incredibly impressed with the Saudi women I have met here in the Kingdom. From tech and finance to the arts, to diplomacy, Saudi women are achieving new heights, and I am proud to work with them,” Dilworth said.

Celebrating Women’s Accomplishments

Each month, in partnership with other embassies, the US Embassy hosts a Women’s Majlis  to celebrate women’s accomplishments, experiences and share expertise in a private and intimate setting.

Exploring Various Themes with Saudi Women

“Through the Women’s Majlis, a series of monthly events co-hosted with the Australian, New Zealand, German, and British embassies, and with HRH Ambassador Reema bint Bandar, we have explored the themes of ‘Women in Defense,’ ‘Women in Tech,’ ‘Women in the Visual Arts,’ ‘Women in Poetry’ and ‘Women in Shariah Law,’” Dilworth said.

Building Strong Relations Through Collaboration

The idea of the majlis was created in 2019 in a collaboration between the American, Australian, British and Canadian embassies in Abu Dhabi.

Empowering Saudi Women Across Various Sectors

“We work with Saudi women across all aspects of our work. As an example, Australia and Saudi Arabia enjoy close relations in agriculture and food security, with embassy staff working closely with female counterparts to promote trade and remove barriers,” Ralston said.

Inspiring Stories of Resilience and Determination

Ralston said “Saudi women are intelligent and driven. They are open, warm, and passionate about their work. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about their goals and objectives, which are not unlike my own.”

Breaking Barriers and Shifting Perceptions

She explained how impressed she was by the Kingdom’s focus on ensuring women are represented in areas where they have not traditionally worked, including the military.

Challenging Stereotypes and Celebrating Success

When asked how she would characterize the ambitions of the Kingdom’s females, Dilworth said: “Saudi women never stop reaching for the next level.”

Encouraging Dialogue and Understanding

She added that outside the Kingdom and among those who have never visited the country, there are still many misconceptions surrounding Saudi Arabia’s women. People who have not interacted with them are not aware of their successes, drive and ambition.

Changing Perspectives Through Experience

Ralston said that before arriving in the Kingdom from Australia she knew very little about Saudi Arabia, adding that “it was difficult to find information.

“I arrived with a strong sense of curiosity and was keen to hear about the strides made by women here. I was impressed to hear that Saudi Arabia was recently ranked 15th in the world on wage equality in the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2023.”