Saudi Arabie News

Saudi Arabia excited as Slovenia finally recognizes State of Palestine

Saudi Arabia Applauds Slovenia’s Recognition of State of Palestine

In a groundbreaking move, Saudi Arabia has welcomed Slovenia’s ratification by its parliament and government to recognize the State of Palestine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed appreciation for Slovenia’s decision, emphasizing the international community’s agreement on the Palestinian people’s right to establish an independent state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The Kingdom urged other countries, especially the UN Security Council’s permanent members, to follow suit and recognize Palestine.

Slovenia joined the ranks of countries recognizing Palestine, following Spain, Ireland, and Norway’s recent decisions. With this development, 146 out of 193 UN member states now acknowledge Palestine’s statehood, including regions like the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation hailed Slovenia’s move as a significant and historic step towards justice and freedom for the Palestinian people, reaffirming their legitimate rights, including self-determination. The OIC called on all countries yet to recognize Palestine to do so in support of international efforts for peace and stability, based on the two-state solution and relevant international resolutions.