Saudi Arabie News

Passports Chief Visits Taif Airport & Makkah Entry Points: Exclusive Inspection!

Passports Chief Inspects Taif International Airport and Points of Entrance into Makkah

In a proactive move, Director General of Passports Lt. Gen. Sulaiman Al-Yahya conducted an inspection at Taif International Airport and various entry points into the holy city of Makkah on Sunday.

During his visit, Al-Yahya closely evaluated the performance of passport officers and administrative committees tasked with enforcing Hajj regulations, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.

Emphasizing the importance of round-the-clock vigilance, the passports chief stressed the need for these teams to remain operational 24/7 throughout the Hajj season to identify and penalize individuals involved in the unauthorized transportation of pilgrims.

Recent reports revealed that Saudi authorities apprehended 21 individuals attempting to enter Makkah without a valid Hajj permit, underscoring the significance of strict enforcement measures in place.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior has issued a reminder to both citizens and expatriates to adhere to Hajj regulations and follow instructions diligently to ensure the safety, security, and comfort of all pilgrims as they embark on their sacred journey.