Saudi Arabie News

Hajj Minister’s Touching Tribute to Heroes of Lost Pilgrim – SEO Friendly

Riyadh Minister Praises Good Samaritans for Aiding Distressed Pilgrim in Makkah

In a heartwarming display of kindness, a group of men in Makkah came to the aid of a lost Nigerian pilgrim, earning praise from Saudi Arabia’s Hajj minister.

The men, captured in a viral video, spotted the distressed pilgrim on a highway in the holy city and promptly drove him back to his residence.

Equipped with an Nusuk Card, pilgrims like the Nigerian man are able to receive assistance if they find themselves lost or separated from their group. The men utilized the barcode on his name tag to locate his residence information.

Despite the pilgrim’s attempts to offer them money as a token of gratitude during the drive back, the men humbly declined.

This wasn’t the first time such an act of kindness was witnessed, as the man in the video recalled a similar incident involving an Indian pilgrim. The clip ended with the thankful pilgrim safely entering his residence.

Minister Emphasizes Significance of Nusuk Card for Pilgrims

Hajj and Umrah Minister Tawfiq Al-Rabiah highlighted the importance of the Nusuk Card, which not only serves as an identification but also provides access to all holy sites and essential services for pilgrims.

According to the ministry, the Nusuk Card must be carried throughout the entire Hajj period, from arrival to departure, ensuring a smooth pilgrimage experience for all participants.

Hajj, as one of the five pillars of Islam, requires every financially and physically capable adult Muslim to undertake the journey to Makkah at least once in their lifetime, emphasizing the significance of acts of kindness and compassion among fellow pilgrims.