Saudi Arabie News

Breaking News: KSrelief Launches 3 Health Projects for Sudan Hospitals

Saudi Aid Group KSrelief Inaugurates Three Health Projects in Port Sudan

In a significant move, Saudi aid group KSrelief has inaugurated three health projects in Port Sudan, Red Sea State, providing crucial medical equipment to hospitals in need. This initiative marks a milestone in the ongoing efforts to enhance healthcare services in the region, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.

The first project focuses on supporting Al-Abyadh Specialist Hospital for Children by setting up an oxygen station for generating and distributing oxygen. This development is expected to benefit approximately 25,000 individuals, ensuring access to life-saving resources for those in need.

Moving forward, the second project aims to assist government hospitals under the Sudanese Ministry of Health by providing dialysis machines. This vital equipment will benefit a total of 3,960 individuals, improving the quality of healthcare services available to the community.

Lastly, the third project involves supplying medical equipment to children’s hospitals affiliated with the Patient Support Fund. This initiative addresses a critical shortage of medical resources in facilities such as Kasla Hospital and Al-Obeid Hospital, directly benefiting an estimated 200,000 individuals and indirectly impacting even more lives.

The official announcement of these projects took place in the presence of key dignitaries, including Saudi Ambassador to Sudan Ali bin Hassan Jafar, Sudanese Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, Sudanese Sovereignty Council member Lieutenant-General Bahri Ibrahim Jaber Ibrahim, and a dedicated team from KSrelief. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment to improving healthcare infrastructure and services for the betterment of the local community.