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“Exclusive: Chef Albasha’s Secret Recipes for Success & Delicious Beetroot Salad with Roasted Goat Cheese!”

From Junior Sous Chef to Executive Sous Chef: The Culinary Journey of Mohammed Salman Albasha

Six years ago, Saudi chef Mohammed Salman Albasha started his culinary career as a junior sous chef at The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh. Today, he holds the prestigious position of executive sous chef, overseeing a team of over 100 talented chefs. Albasha reflects on his unique journey, having lived in the US and Dubai before settling in Riyadh. Working in one of the world’s most luxurious hotels has not only helped him grow in his career but has also honed his skills as a professional in the kitchen.

Embracing Culinary Excellence at The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh

Raised in the US, Albasha initially pursued a degree in finance before transitioning to the culinary arts. He has had the privilege of working under renowned chefs like Jose Andres and has also delved into Japanese cuisine during his time at Zuma.

In a candid conversation, Albasha delves into the essence of cooking with love, addresses common customer grievances, and shares insights on his favorite cuisines.

Chef Mohammed Salman Albasha is the executive sous chef at The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh. (Supplied)

What’s your top tip for amateur chefs?

Always cook as if it’s for the people you love the most. That’s not really a tip, but when you cook with love all the flavors and the aromas and the ingredients come together in a harmonic way. There are no rules to cooking. Just do it with love.

What one ingredient can instantly improve any dish?

Maldon salt. I learned that from my mentors when I started cooking Spanish cuisine. They put Maldon salt on everything.

Unleashing Culinary Critiques: Enhancing Flavors with The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh

When you go out to eat, do you find yourself critiquing the food?

Embark on a culinary journey with The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh, where flavors are elevated to new heights. As you savor each bite, immerse yourself in the art of gastronomy and let your taste buds be the judge.

What’s your favorite cuisine?

Indulge in the exquisite flavors of Japanese and Spanish cuisine at The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh. From delicate sashimi to tantalizing tapas, experience a culinary fusion that will transport you to the bustling streets of Tokyo and the vibrant markets of Barcelona. **Exploring New Culinary Horizons: A Chef’s Journey**

Every so often, I embark on culinary adventures to expand my knowledge and palate. It’s a journey of discovery, a quest for new flavors and techniques that keep my passion for cooking alive.

**The Quick Fix: Chicken Kabsa in 20 Minutes**

Believe it or not, you can whip up a mouthwatering chicken kabsa in just 20 minutes using a pressure cooker. A simple combination of rice, chicken, tomato paste, and spices creates a flavorful dish that takes me back to my days in the US.

**Customer Pet Peeves: A Chef’s Perspective**

One thing that irks me is when customers make extensive demands to customize their dishes. It’s a fine line between personal preferences and altering the essence of a dish. As a chef, I believe in honoring the integrity of a recipe and respecting the culinary craft.

**Signature Dish: Grilled Fish from the East**

Hailing from the Eastern side of Saudi Arabia, my favorite dish to cook is a perfectly grilled fish. I love experimenting with different herbs, spices, and techniques to create a dish that embodies the rich flavors of my region.

**Leading with Grace: The Chef Manager**

As a manager overseeing a team of 110 chefs, I believe in leading by example. I value respect, guidance, and teamwork over authoritarianism. Yelling and berating others have no place in a professional kitchen – it’s about fostering a culture of support and growth.

**Recipe Spotlight: Chef Mohammed’s Beetroot Salad with Labneh**

– Ingredients: 2 cups labneh, wood chips (Applewood or hickory), Saudi olive oil, salt
– Instructions: Season labneh with salt, smoke using wood chips, drizzle with olive oil.

**Roasted Beetroot:**
– Ingredients: 4 medium beetroots, dried lavender flowers, Saudi olive oil, salt, pepper
– Instructions: Toss beetroot with spices, roast in the oven, and enjoy the earthy flavors of this vibrant dish.

Embark on a culinary journey with Chef Mohammed’s recipes that blend tradition with innovation, creating dishes that tantalize the taste buds and ignite the senses. Step right up, folks! Get ready to witness the magic that happens when goat cheese meets the oven in this epic culinary showdown.

Headline: The Roasting Battle: Goat Cheese vs. Oven

The stage is set, the oven is preheated, and our contestants are ready to go head-to-head. Place that goat cheese on a pedestal and roast it in the fiery depths of the oven for 30-35 minutes until it’s tender and just a hint of caramelization.

But wait, there’s more! Introducing the fried breaded goat cheese, a dish that will have your taste buds doing a happy dance.

Headline: The Crispy Cheesy Delight: Fried Breaded Goat Cheese

In one corner, we have 200g of goat cheese, cut into 1-inch rounds. In the other, we have a trio of flour, beaten eggs, and bread crumbs, ready to coat and fry those cheese rounds to golden perfection.

Heat up that vegetable oil, drop those cheese rounds in, and watch them sizzle and crisp up to perfection in just 2-3 minutes per side. Drain them on paper towels and set them aside for the final showdown.

And now, for the grand finale, we present the ultimate dish that will have your taste buds begging for more.

Headline: The Spectacular Culinary Creation: Roasted Beetroot with Fried Breaded Goat Cheese

On a plate fit for royalty, place a dollop of smoked labneh, surround it with roasted beetroot wedges, and lay out those crispy fried goat cheese rounds like they’re precious jewels. Top it off with halved figs, a sprinkle of microgreens, a dusting of beetroot powder, and a drizzle of Saudi honey.

Serve this masterpiece immediately and watch as your guests marvel at your culinary prowess. The battle of flavors, textures, and colors has been won, and you, my friend, are the victorious chef.