Saudi Arabie News

Discover the Magical Festivities in Jeddah’s Al-Balad!

Al-Balad: A Cultural Haven During Ramadan

The historic district of Al-Balad in Jeddah is alive with cultural festivities and traditional celebrations during the holy month of Ramadan, courtesy of the Saudi Ministry of Culture’s Ramadan Season initiative.

Ramadan holds a special place in the hearts of residents and visitors alike, symbolizing a time of spiritual reflection, community bonding, and family gatherings. In Al-Balad, this sacred month not only commemorates fasting and prayer but also showcases joyous festivities that shine a spotlight on the city’s rich heritage and warm hospitality.

Dive into the Festivities

Organized by the Saudi Ministry of Culture, Ramadan Season events span across 30 activation zones in Al-Balad, featuring restaurants, cafes, traditional food stalls, cultural performances, workshops, markets, exhibitions, interactive experiences, and a dedicated kids’ corner.

At the entrance of Bab Al-Balad, visitors are greeted with traditional Saudi coffee and captivating folklore dance performances, along with camel rides for children. As visitors wander through the district, they can witness skilled shoemakers known as kharazon showcasing their craft live to the delight of onlookers.

Experience the Traditions

The streets are adorned with traditional exhibits, from a miller displaying quilts, sofas, and cushions to a vendor showcasing ancient cosmetic tools like kohl and derm. Currency collector Saeed Al-Ghamdi, who has been collecting coins for over 55 years, shares his treasures and the vibrant atmosphere of Ramadan in Al-Balad.

Jewelry and art designer Hanan Aljarwani captivates visitors with live embroidery demonstrations, while Ibrahim Jaafar introduces his innovative miswak products for dental hygiene during fasting. Skilled miswak craftsman Hussein Al-Abdali raises awareness about the benefits of miswak sticks made from arak tree roots.

Shopping and Delights

Bustling bazaars throughout the district offer a variety of products, including traditional clothing, jewelry, perfumes, toys, and decorative lighting. Maher of Wakan stores presents an enhanced collection of oud and perfumes, while Abdul Hameed Shalabi serves traditional sobia drinks at his shop.

Sara Thagafi’s Modern Art Training Center offers workshops during Ramadan Season, allowing visitors to create their own perfumes and engage in various art experiences. Residents like Ahmed Abdo Ahwas, who has lived in Al-Balad for 68 years, cherish the unique atmosphere and flavors of Ramadan in the district.

Immerse Yourself in Tradition

Visitors like Farah Hassan and Hamza Yousef praise the immersive experience of exploring Al-Balad during Ramadan, sampling traditional drinks and indulging in the vibrant festivities. From cultural performances to culinary adventures, Al-Balad truly embodies the spirit of Ramadan with warmth and hospitality.