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Exclusive Interview: Moataz Nasr Reveals Inspiration Behind ‘Shattered Glass’

Moataz Nasr’s Glass Art: A Map of the Arab World in Turmoil

Moataz Nasr, the talented Egyptian artist, delves into the intricate details of his glass artwork, currently showcased at Galleria Continua in Dubai until April 22.

Moataz Nasr is an Egyptian artist. (Supplied)

With a keen eye for socio-political issues that resonate with him, Nasr’s artwork reflects a myriad of themes – from the spiritual to the historical, and even the sarcastic. One notable piece features the McDonald’s logo, serving as a critique of the fast-food culture that pervades society. In a region where leisurely dinners are cherished, the artist highlights the encroaching pressure to eat quickly and prioritize work.

Surveying the Arab world, Nasr’s glass map reveals a landscape marred by fragmentation and conflict. From the loss of territories like southern Sudan and parts of Somalia to the ongoing crises in Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Iraq, the artist paints a stark picture of a region in turmoil. The shifting geopolitical dynamics have left a profound impact, leaving Nasr to ponder the uncertain future that lies ahead.

‘Shattered Glass,’ Moataz Nasr. (Supplied)

Symbolizing the state of rupture and disarray, Nasr’s “Shattered Glass” artwork captures the essence of a fractured society. Conceived in 2015, the intricate process of creating the shattered glass effect took years to perfect. Through meticulous craftsmanship, a cracked layer of glass was delicately placed between two smooth layers, culminating in a visually striking representation of the Arab world’s current turmoil.

Despite the bleak outlook portrayed in his artwork, Nasr remains hopeful that his pieces will serve as a wake-up call to viewers. As an artist, he sees himself as a magnifying glass, bringing attention to overlooked issues and urging for collective action. Through his work, Nasr hopes to ignite a sense of unity and solidarity among viewers, prompting them to reflect on the urgent need for cohesion in a region grappling with uncertainty.