Saudi Arabie News

Al-Sudais lauds Saudi leadership’s devotion to Islamic principles: A must-read!

Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Sudais Praises King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

In a powerful speech at the Muslim World League meeting in Riyadh, Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Sudais, head of the Presidency of Religious Affairs at the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, showered praise on King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for their unwavering dedication to the message of Islam.

Promotion of Tolerance and Moderation

Al-Sudais commended the Saudi leaders for their promotion of tolerance and moderation, their service to Islam, Muslims, and the broader Islamic community, and their advocacy for Islamic world issues in international forums.

Gratitude to Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Asheikh

The respected Sheikh also expressed his gratitude to the grand mufti of the Kingdom, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Asheikh, for his support of the Islamic Fiqh Council’s mission.

Efforts in Addressing Contemporary Issues

Al-Sudais acknowledged the grand mufti’s efforts in addressing contemporary issues facing Muslims, encouraging inter-civilizational dialogue, and promoting the values of tolerance.

Role of Muslim World League Secretary-General

Highlighting the role and contributions of Muslim World League Secretary-General Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Al-Sudais praised his efforts in promoting the values of moderation and inclusivity, encouraging interfaith dialogue, and serving the league’s mission.

Commitment to Fostering Moderation

The Sheikh also praised the Muslim World League’s commitment to fostering moderation and moderate thinking, fulfilling Islam’s mission to spread peace and justice, and encouraging familiarity and cooperation among peoples.

Efforts in Combating Extremism

Al-Sudais acknowledged the league’s efforts in organizing international conferences and awareness programs, as well as its role in combating religious extremism.

Importance of Combating Misguided Ideologies

Emphasizing the importance of combating misguided ideologies and terrorist organizations, focusing on youth, supporting Islamic minorities, combating fanaticism, factionalism, and moral decay, and upholding the values of tolerance and moderation were key points in Al-Sudais’ speech.