
Boost Water Security in Saudi Arabia: SWCC Transformed into Water Authority

Riyadh’s Water Security Gets a Boost with Restructuring of SWCC into Saudi Water Authority

In a significant move to enhance water security, Saudi Arabia has transformed the Saline Water Conversion Corp. (SWCC) into the Saudi Water Authority (SWA). This restructuring includes new organizational frameworks aimed at improving oversight of water-related activities, optimizing regulations, enhancing service management, and fostering methodological development.

Aligning with Vision 2030

The approval from the Saudi Cabinet for this transition aligns closely with the goals outlined in Vision 2030 and the National Water Strategy. This move is expected to bolster the sustainability of water resources in the kingdom.

Key Responsibilities of SWA

Under the new regulations, SWA will focus on developing and refining policies, plans, programs, and initiatives related to the water sector. The authority will also set standards and regulations for licensing within its jurisdiction and work towards unifying technical and engineering standards to ensure adherence to local content and sustainability standards.

Strategic Planning and Localization

SWA will oversee the strategic planning of Saudi Arabia’s water supply chain, prioritize localization of the industry, and aim to increase the proportion of local content in water activities. This emphasis on localization is crucial for boosting the kingdom’s economic growth and achieving Vision 2030 objectives.

Leadership Acknowledgment

The Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley, expressed gratitude to the Saudi leadership for endorsing the transformation of SWCC into SWA. This decision reflects the leadership’s commitment to advancing the water sector and nurturing its leadership position.

Propelling Water Security Forward

SWA will leverage SWCC’s expertise in research, innovation, development, localization, and patents to enhance water security in the kingdom. By adopting secure technologies and conducting extensive research aligned with developmental imperatives, SWA aims to establish a sustainable and dependable water security framework.

Strategic Functions of SWA

The Saudi Water Authority will assume pivotal roles in implementing strategic programs, developing regulations and licensing criteria, and ensuring adherence to local content and sustainability guidelines in water-related endeavors. SWA will also lead the planning of the water supply chain, prioritize localization, and represent the kingdom internationally in water forums.

Advancing the Water Sector

Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Abdulkarim, president of SWA, highlighted the Cabinet’s approval as a monumental step in advancing the Saudi water sector and pursuing hydro security. SWA’s dedication to propelling the sector forward through knowledge enhancement, technology empowerment, and local capacity building underscores its commitment to fulfilling the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.

Strengthening Economic Contribution

SWA aims to strengthen the water sector’s contribution to Saudi economic development by amplifying private sector involvement, enhancing localization efforts, and increasing its contribution to the national GDP. By focusing on regulatory and developmental strategies, SWA seeks to solidify the kingdom’s position as a global leader in water solutions.