Saudi Arabie News

Breaking News: Riyadh Food Poisoning Incident Statement from Oversight Authority

Riyadh: Accountability Ensured in Food Poisoning Incident

In the aftermath of a recent food poisoning outbreak at a Riyadh restaurant, the Kingdom’s Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority, Nazaha, has made it clear that those responsible for negligence in public health and safety will face consequences.

Investigation and Consequences

Nazaha announced on Thursday that strict measures will be taken against anyone found obstructing the investigation into the incident or withholding crucial information. The outbreak of clostridium botulinum-related food poisoning cases in Riyadh at the end of April was linked to a fast-food restaurant, resulting in hospitalizations and even a fatality.

Mayonnaise Brand Suspension

The Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing confirmed the presence of clostridium botulinum in the Bon Tum mayonnaise brand used by the restaurant chain, leading to the immediate suspension of its distribution across the Kingdom. The factory producing the mayonnaise was also shut down to comply with regulations.

Collusion and Accountability

Initial investigations by Nazaha revealed potential collusion by a few food establishment inspectors who prioritized personal gain over public safety. Royal directives mandate holding all responsible officials accountable, regardless of their positions, for any negligence or delays that may have contributed to the poisoning incident.

Swift Resolution

Nazaha assured the public that the incident has been contained and resolved, with comprehensive reports detailing the causes and potential responsible parties being produced around the clock. Precise laboratory testing quickly identified the type and cause of the poisoning, ensuring swift action and resolution.