Saudi Arabie News

Discover how Saudi artist revives her mother’s recipes in stunning twist

Dhahran: A Heartwarming Tale of Love and Loss in Waad Janbi’s Animated Short Film

In Waad Janbi’s new animated short film, “Mom’s Spaghetti,” which debuted on MBC Academy, viewers are treated to a poignant story of grief, love, and the healing power of a comforting meal.

A Journey Through Loss and Love

The story follows 14-year-old Amjad as he grapples with the loss of his mother and attempts to recreate a beloved dish she used to make for him.

On the first day of Ramadan, Amjad is seen playing outside when his grandmother reminds him of the fasting month. As the family navigates their grief during Ramadan, Amjad, along with his sister and grandmother, tries to recreate his mother’s special spaghetti dish.

After finding his mother’s recipe book, the family perseveres until they finally recreate the dish, bringing back memories of their beloved mother.

A Personal Touch

Janbi drew inspiration from her own family’s experience, particularly her brother’s loss of a special dish their mother had prepared for him before her passing.

The film is a tribute to Janbi’s mother, who expressed her love through cooking, and aims to capture the essence of familial love and connection through food.

A Message of Resilience and Love

The title of the film, “Mom’s Spaghetti,” is a nod to the rapper Eminem and adds a touch of humor to the heartfelt story of loss and resilience.

Through the film, Janbi hopes to encourage Saudi boys to embrace roles traditionally associated with women, such as cooking and caring for family members.

A Story of Healing and Connection

The film resonated with viewers of all backgrounds, receiving praise for its layered storytelling and emotional impact.

While Janbi was pleased with the final product, she acknowledges the collaborative effort that brought the film to life and the support of MBC Academy.

Continuing the Legacy

Janbi’s family continues to cherish their mother’s recipes, using them as a way to remember her love and keep her memory alive.

As Janbi looks to the future, she remains committed to telling stories that capture the essence of family, love, and resilience.

To watch the short animated film “Mom’s Spaghetti,” visit MBC Academy’s YouTube channel.