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Discover how US-Kuwaiti artist Latifa Alajlan overcame self-doubt!

From Kuwait to New York: The Journey of Artist Latifa Alajlan

Kuwaiti artist Latifa Alajlan made the bold move to America in 2016 to pursue her passion for art. She studied at Grossmont College in San Diego before earning her Master of Fine Arts from the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago, known for producing renowned American artists like Georgia O’Keeffe and Joan Mitchell.

Now based in New York and represented by Franklin Parrasch Gallery, Alajlan describes the city as the “Makkah of the art world,” with its plethora of galleries and institutions. She finds solace in exploring the city every Friday, finding it a meditative experience.

Alajlan, Latifa, Ishq, 2024. (Supplied)

Despite the vibrant art scene in New York, Alajlan acknowledges the challenges of being a young artist in such a competitive environment. She has learned to avoid comparing herself to others, recognizing that everyone has their own unique journey in the art world.

Growing up in Kuwait, Alajlan’s parents instilled a love for art in her and her siblings by taking them to museums and encouraging them to write essays on artworks. While she initially found it boring, she now appreciates the foundation her parents provided.

Lilith’s Garden, 2024. (Supplied)

Alajlan has experimented with various mediums like ceramics, glass-blowing, and sculpting, but ultimately found her passion in painting. She describes painting as therapeutic, a form of prayer for her.

In her abstract work, Alajlan explores political, cultural, and architectural aspects of her homeland, drawing inspiration from her surroundings and personal experiences. Her paintings often feature hidden elements and motifs from mosques, adding a touch of mystery to her compositions.