
Exciting News: Europe’s New Chamber of Commerce in Riyadh!

Riyadh to Open First European Chamber of Commerce in the Gulf Region

In an exclusive interview with Arab News, the EU’s special representative for the Gulf region, Luigi Di Maio, revealed that the first European Chamber of Commerce in the Gulf region will be inaugurated next week in Riyadh.

Di Maio emphasized that the establishment of this new body aims to bring together Saudi and European companies to boost trade and foster collaboration.

After extensive collaboration with the Ministry of Investment and the Ministry of Trade, as well as the EU delegation in Riyadh, Di Maio expressed his excitement for the upcoming launch of the chamber.

The initiative is set to facilitate closer ties between Saudi and European companies, enabling them to seize opportunities presented by Vision 2030, the European Green Deal, Next Generation EU, and other programs.

According to Di Maio, Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 reform program has significantly altered the global perception of the Kingdom, especially in the business community.

He noted that Saudi Arabia’s economic ambitions have attracted a growing interest from businesses worldwide, creating a new generation of dreamers within the country.

Di Maio also highlighted the increasing diplomatic and economic influence of Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the Kingdom’s role as a reference point in the region.

As Saudi Arabia implements its vision for the region, focusing on de-escalation and promoting peace, Di Maio stressed the importance of the strategic partnership between the EU and GCC countries, particularly with countries like Saudi Arabia.