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‘Game of Thrones’ Actor Liam Cunningham Exposes Shocking Truth About Gaza Silence – You Won’t Believe Who’s Guilty!

Liam Cunningham: The Voice for Palestinian Support

In a passionate speech during a demonstration in Dublin, Irish actor Liam Cunningham made it clear that silence is not an option when it comes to supporting Palestinians in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. The “Game of Thrones” star, who has been a vocal advocate for Palestinian causes for decades, emphasized that the public will not forget those who choose to remain silent during this critical time.

Cunningham expressed his disappointment in those who claim to care but do not take action, stating that in his opinion, they are worse than those who do not care at all. He stressed the importance of speaking out and standing up for what is right, especially in the face of injustice and human rights violations.

While some may question his efforts to rally other actors in support of the Palestinian cause, Cunningham remains steadfast in his convictions. He believes that the truth will always come to light, and those who remained silent will not escape scrutiny when the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court investigate the atrocities committed in Gaza.

For Cunningham, speaking out is not just a choice but a moral obligation. He firmly believes that turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinians is a betrayal of humanity and a violation of international law. With the death toll rising and innocent lives being lost in Gaza, he urges people to stand up for justice and condemn the violence perpetrated by Israel.

As the world watches in horror at the devastation unfolding in Gaza, Cunningham’s words serve as a reminder that silence is complicity. It is up to each individual to decide whether they will be remembered for their indifference or their courage to speak out against injustice. In the end, history will judge us not by our words, but by our actions in the face of adversity.