Saudi Arabie News

Muslims Celebrate Eid with KSrelief Food Aid Distribution

Saudi Aid Agency KSrelief Distributes Food Baskets across Yemen

In a heartwarming gesture, the Saudi aid agency KSrelief has spread hope by distributing nearly 1,600 food baskets across Yemen. This act of kindness has benefited over 11,000 people in need, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency on Monday.

The aid reached the districts of Al-Mawasit, Al-Ma’afer, and Ash Shamayatayn in Taiz, as well as Al-Hawtah district in Lahij, and Al-Ghaydah district in Al-Mahra Governorate on Sunday.

This initiative is a part of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts, led by KSrelief, to enhance food security in Yemen and provide relief to those facing hunger.

Additionally, in Yemen, KSrelief embarked on a new project on Sunday to distribute adahi meat in Aden Governorate.

On the first day of Eid Al-Adha, the meat from 300 sacrificial animals was distributed in Al-Mansoura city, benefiting 2,800 vulnerable individuals, including the disabled, displaced, and those with chronic illnesses.

The project’s goal is to distribute the meat from 2,330 adahi animals to 32,620 families in the governorates of Aden, Marib, Hadhramaut, Al-Mahrah, and Lahij, ensuring that many more receive much-needed nourishment.

In another act of generosity, KSrelief also shared 25 tonnes of dates as a gift to Kazakhstan.

This generous donation was presented in Astana by the Saudi ambassador to Kazakhstan, Faisal bin Hanif Al-Qahtani, to the deputy head of the religious administration of the Muslims of Kazakhstan, along with a dedicated team from KSrelief.