
Report reveals: AI revolutionizes shipping industry, slashes emissions!

AI Navigation Could Slash Carbon Emissions in Global Shipping Industry

In a groundbreaking study by autonomous shipping startup Orca AI, it has been revealed that the global commercial shipping industry has the potential to reduce its carbon emissions by a staggering 47 million tonnes per year through the implementation of artificial intelligence for sea navigation.

Revolutionizing the Way Ships Navigate

By utilizing AI technology, ships can avoid unnecessary maneuvers and route deviations when encountering high-risk marine targets such as vessels, buoys, and sea mammals. This real-time alert system not only enhances safety but also significantly cuts down on carbon emissions.

Shipping’s Contribution to Carbon Emissions

Responsible for transporting around 90 percent of global trade, the shipping industry currently contributes nearly 3 percent of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. Without stricter pollution control measures, this percentage is expected to increase in the coming years.

International Efforts to Reduce Emissions

The International Maritime Organization has set a target to reduce emissions by 20 percent by 2030. However, this goal is being jeopardized by the ongoing Red Sea crisis, highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions like AI navigation.

The Future of Shipping

Orca AI CEO Yarden Gross believes that AI navigation not only optimizes voyages and reduces fuel consumption and emissions in the short term but also paves the way for fully autonomous shipping in the long term.

Driving Efficiency and Cost Savings

According to Orca AI’s report, the reduction in route deviations could save ships an impressive 38.2 million nautical miles per year, resulting in average fuel cost savings of $100,000 per vessel. Additionally, AI technology could decrease close encounters by 33 percent in open waters.