Saudi Arabie News

Saudi Arabia and China Join Forces in Groundbreaking Cultural Award

Saudi Ministry of Culture Launches Prince Mohammed bin Salman Award for Cultural Cooperation with China

The Saudi Ministry of Culture made a groundbreaking announcement on Thursday, unveiling the prestigious Prince Mohammed bin Salman Award for Cultural Cooperation between Saudi Arabia and China. The unveiling took place at the King Abdulaziz Public Library branch in Beijing, as reported by Saudi Press Agency.

Acknowledging the tireless efforts of researchers, artists, and translators from both nations, this award aims to provide grants to support their ongoing work. It sets out to ignite a spirit of collaboration and shared creativity between the two countries.

With a diverse range of categories including cultural research, artistic works, translations, and recognition of cultural personalities from each country, the award celebrates significant contributions to culture. It also encourages the involvement of young researchers, creators, and translators, fostering cross-cultural communication among the youth.

An annual ceremony will serve as a platform to showcase cultural achievements and honor the deserving award winners. The award will serve as a catalyst for creative cooperation and cultural dialogue between Saudi Arabia and China, highlighting their academic, cultural, media, literary, and artistic accomplishments.

Saudi Culture Minister Prince Bader bin Abdullah emphasized the award’s pivotal role in bridging cultural gaps and strengthening bonds between China and Saudi Arabia through arts, literature, and academic research.

Individuals from both Saudi Arabia and China, along with government, private, and non-profit entities, are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nomination forms can be accessed on the award website.

In another significant development on the same day, the Saudi Film Commission, a government entity under the Ministry of Culture, inked a framework memorandum of understanding with China’s renowned Bona Film Group. The memorandum aims to explore collaborative opportunities in movie distribution, exhibition, and talent development.

Bona Film Group, a prominent movie distribution and production company established in 1999, has carved a niche for itself in China’s film industry. The signing ceremony in Beijing witnessed the presence of Prince Badr, Film Commission CEO Abdullah Al-Eyaf, and Bona Film Group CFO Qi Zhi.

The memorandum outlines key areas of cooperation, including investment in the film industry, potential establishment of a joint film fund for cinematic endeavors, and collaboration on Saudi film distribution in China. It also delves into opportunities for talent development for Saudi filmmakers through Bona Film Group productions and Chinese film education institutions.

Aligned with this agreement, the Film Commission is committed to enhancing the movie industry, boosting local production, and showcasing Saudi creations. The commission actively advocates for investment, content production, talent nurturing, and regulatory enhancements.

This historic agreement underscores the commission’s dedication to fostering global partnerships and leveraging cultural exchanges in line with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030.