Saudi Arabie News

Saudi Arabia’s groundbreaking initiative in the Eastern Province is changing lives forever!

Saudi National Center for the Prevention and Control of Plant Pests and Animal Diseases Campaign in the Eastern Province

In a bid to protect the health of animals and residents in the Eastern Province, the Saudi National Center for the Prevention and Control of Plant Pests and Animal Diseases has launched the Weqaa Takes Care of Your Sacrifice campaign.

This initiative is being executed at various locations such as points of sale, slaughterhouses, barns, and public roads across the region.

Mubarak Al-Aridi, the director general of Weqaa in the region, highlighted the efforts of the animal health department field teams in assisting citizens and residents who visit points of sale and slaughterhouses.

Al-Aridi emphasized the importance of the campaign in educating the public about the significance of vaccinating livestock, implementing best health practices, conducting thorough inspections to prevent epidemic diseases, providing breeders with veterinary health guidelines, and informing citizens about health and legal requirements when selecting an animal for sacrifice.