Saudi Arabie News

Saudi climate envoy’s secret meetings at Costa Rica oceans conference

Saudi Arabia’s Climate Envoy Engages in High-Level Meetings in Costa Rica

Saudi Arabia’s climate envoy, Adel Al-Jubeir, made significant strides during his visit to the oceans high-level event in San Jose, Costa Rica.

During the event, Al-Jubeir met with key officials from various countries to discuss pressing environmental issues and strengthen bilateral relations.

Among the officials he met were Brazil’s Secretary of Multilateral Political Affairs Carlos Márcio Bicalho Cozendey, Ecuador’s Minister of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition Sade Fritschi, French Minister of State for Marine Affairs Herve Berville, Spain’s Secretary of State for the Environment Hugo Moran, and Qatari Minister of Environment and Climate Change Abdullah Al-Subaie.

The meetings focused on collaborative efforts towards climate and environmental initiatives, shared interests, and enhancing diplomatic ties.

The high-level event, titled Ocean Action: Immersed in Change, was a platform for participants to prepare for the upcoming 3rd UN Ocean Conference in France in 2025. Discussions revolved around crucial topics such as the ocean’s role in carbon dioxide absorption, sustainable fishing practices, and strategies to combat marine pollution.