
Saudi Innovation Speed Impresses UK Executives: Must-Read Insights

Riyadh Conference Leaves UK Delegates “Wowed” by Saudi Business Landscape

UK delegates at the GREAT Futures Initiative Conference were left in awe by Saudi Arabia’s business landscape, as stated by a senior British trade executive. Kate Taylor Tett, director of the GREAT Britain and Northern Ireland Campaign, shared her thoughts during an interview with Arab News. She highlighted how the event acted as a catalyst for change and progress by fostering collaboration and dialogue between counterparts from both nations.

Accelerating UK-Saudi Business Relations

Tett emphasized the rapid pace of innovation in Saudi Arabia, leaving a lasting impression on the attendees. She mentioned that the event has elevated Saudi Arabia to the top of the list of UK’s trading partners, showcasing the growing potential for business opportunities between the two countries.

Shifting Perspectives and Building Partnerships

Attendees were impressed by their experience in Saudi Arabia, leading to a shift in their opinions about the market. Tett noted that the event is not just a two-day gathering but a year-long program that fosters collaborations between UK businesses and their Saudi counterparts.

Embracing Innovation and Energy

Tett highlighted the importance of innovation in UK-Saudi partnerships, emphasizing the economic benefits of collaboration. She commended the energy and positivity of individuals in Saudi Arabia, likening the environment to a vibrant startup scene where possibilities are endless.

In conclusion, Tett expressed her enthusiasm for the participants’ drive to make progress, describing it as “infectious” and paving the way for future collaborations beyond the conference.