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Saudi sensation Fatima Al-Banawi spills the tea on her groundbreaking film ‘Basma’

Meet Fatima Al-Banawi: Actress, Writer, Director, and Mental Health Advocate

Fatima Al-Banawi is a force to be reckoned with in the world of cinema. With a background in psychology and a passion for social impact, she has set out to bridge the gap between the arts and mental health awareness. Her latest project, the directorial feature “Basma,” is a powerful exploration of family dynamics and the impact of mental illness.

The Story of “Basma”

In “Basma,” Al-Banawi takes on the role of writer, director, and lead actress. The film follows the story of Basma, a young Saudi woman who returns home to Jeddah to find that her parents have divorced due to her father’s struggle with mental illness. Determined to help her father, Dr. Adly, Basma moves in with him against the advice of her family, leading to a series of challenges and emotional upheavals.

A Deep Dive into Mental Health

Al-Banawi’s background in psychology shines through in “Basma,” as she delves into the complexities of mental illness. She explores themes of dissonance, denial, and the societal impact of untreated mental health issues. Through the character of Dr. Adly, she challenges traditional portrayals of mental illness on screen, opting for a more nuanced and realistic approach.

Casting the Right Actors

For Al-Banawi, casting was a crucial element in bringing “Basma” to life. She sought out fresh faces and prioritized creating a believable family dynamic on screen. Through weeks of rehearsals and improv sessions, she worked closely with her cast to build chemistry and authenticity in their performances.

A Passionate Filmmaker

Al-Banawi’s dedication to her craft is evident in every aspect of “Basma.” From writing the script to directing the film, she poured her heart and soul into the project. Her commitment to shining a light on mental health issues and challenging stereotypes in cinema is a testament to her talent and passion for storytelling.

Passion Project: Al-Banawi’s Journey with ‘Basma’

The lights dimmed, the cameras rolled, and Al-Banawi had one goal in mind: to make sure everyone involved had one hell of a good time. The process of creating ‘Basma’ was a throwback to a simpler time, where passion and creativity took center stage.

Al-Banawi reminisces about the pre-industrialization of cinema in Saudi Arabia, where the focus was on the art, not the financials. Gathering a group of talented individuals to record the movie’s final song was a labor of love, one that brought out the best in everyone involved.

For Al-Banawi, ‘Basma’ was more than just a film – it was a passion project. The film’s exploration of mental health struck a chord with her, driving her to create a story that was personal, relatable, and reflective of societal norms. In a sea of action-packed blockbusters, Al-Banawi saw the importance of infusing family drama and real-life situations into her work.

As she looks to the future, Al-Banawi hopes to inspire a new generation of filmmakers and moviegoers. She wants to create films that resonate with audiences on a deeper level, just as the films of her childhood did for her. ‘Basma’ is just the beginning of Al-Banawi’s journey to bring meaningful storytelling to the big screen.