Saudi Arabie News

Surprising Appearance at 50th Arab Labor Conference by Saudi Deputy Minister!

Saudi Deputy Minister Leads Delegation at Arab Labor Conference in Baghdad

In a show of commitment to labor and social development, Saudi Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Social Development for Labor, Abdullah bin Nasser Abu Thanin, took charge of the Saudi delegation at the 50th session of the Arab Labor Conference in Baghdad. The conference, running from April 27 to May 4, has drawn labor ministers, heads, and members of delegations from employers’ organizations and labor unions from 21 Arab countries, as well as representatives from the Arab League and various other Arab and international organizations.

Prominent Figures Address Opening Session

At the opening session of the conference, attendees were graced by the presence of Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, Arab League Secretary-General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and Director General of the International Labor Organization, Gilbert Houngbo.

Focus on Workforce Qualification and Training

During the plenary session, Abu Thanin delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of early qualification and training to meet the labor market’s demands. He highlighted the significance of technical, personal, and social skills, as well as modern work patterns. Additionally, he underscored the Kingdom’s dedication to investing in and developing human resources through Vision 2030 programs and labor market strategies, alongside various initiatives.

Global Labor Market Conference and Future Plans

Abu Thanin also mentioned the ministry’s initiative in organizing the Global Labor Market Conference in partnership with the International Labor Organization and the World Bank. The conference aimed to gather international experts and specialists to set plans for future changes in the labor market.

Key Discussions and Reports Expected

Conference participants are set to tackle a range of issues and reports, including the coordination of Arab participation in the upcoming International Labor Conference organized by the International Labor Organization in Geneva. The Arab Labor Organization, founded in 1965, is the first specialized Arab organization dedicated to labor and workers’ affairs in the Arab world.