
Top Official Predicts Saudi Arabia Will Exceed Tourism Goals by 2030

Saudi Arabia’s Tourism Sector on Track to Achieve Goals Ahead of 2030

At the Future Hospitality Summit in Riyadh, a top tourism official praised Saudi Arabia’s progress in the tourism sector, predicting that the Kingdom will reach its targets before 2030.

Gloria Manzo, chief special adviser at the Ministry of Tourism, highlighted Saudi Arabia’s strategic approach to developing the sector, comparing it to the private sector with clear goals and key performance indicators reviewed quarterly.

Manzo emphasized the government’s commitment to achieving its goals, stating that the Kingdom is progressing faster than expected, indicating a positive momentum in the tourism industry.

She lauded the unprecedented levels of government investment in the development process, noting that Saudi Arabia has set ambitious targets for tourism growth.

Despite challenges such as geopolitical issues and weather-related crises, Manzo expressed optimism about the future of the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia.

She identified the development of human resources as a key challenge, but highlighted the government’s efforts to train Saudis both domestically and abroad.

Manzo also emphasized the importance of supporting small and medium enterprises in the sector, noting the need for accelerated training and development to keep pace with the industry’s growth.

With a structured ecosystem and a proactive government, Saudi Arabia is poised to become a major player in the global tourism market, setting an example for other countries around the world.