Saudi Arabie News

US students immerse in Saudi culture celebration!

Saudi Students Association Hosts Vibrant Saudi Ramadan Night at American University in Washington

In a dazzling display of Saudi culture, the Saudi Students Association at the American University in Washington recently hosted a Saudi Ramadan Night on the university campus, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency on Saturday.

A Cultural Celebration of Iftars and Saudi Customs

The event was part of a series of initiatives aimed at introducing Saudi culture to the university community. It focused on the experience of iftars, performing prayers, and various Saudi customs during the holy month of Ramadan.

Fostering Cultural Understanding and Building Community Ties

The association’s goal was to foster cultural understanding and strengthen ties with the American community and the diverse nationalities studying at the university. It provided a platform for Saudi scholarship students to connect with their host country and celebrate the spirit of Ramadan.

A Realistic Portrayal of Ramadan in the Kingdom

The event aimed to provide a realistic portrayal of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia, showcasing customs such as specially prepared meals for the holy month. It also offered insights into the accompanying activities and traditions that make Ramadan a special time in the Kingdom.

Dignitaries and Guests Attend

Mufarrej bin Dhafer Al-Subai’i, the association’s president, welcomed representatives from the cultural attaché of the Saudi Embassy, along with university officials, faculty members, and guests from Gulf, Arab, and Islamic nations. The event was a vibrant celebration of Saudi culture and traditions, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to share in the joy of Ramadan.